Happy New Year! The Start of 2013.

I believe that now is that time of the year, where You have to finally realize that You live in the world where everyone is different: everyone has their own ideas, believes, opinions, lifestyles… Yet, there is still so much to see, to do, to learn… But sometimes we forget about that inner child of ours, we forget what we truly love to do, we forget our hobbies, relaxations, we forget about the holidays and sometimes even family and friends and all of this happens just because we are too busy with our daily routines. For the New fresh start of the year I want to wish you all to not be afraid of exploring, of adventures. At the end of the day, we will still have some people, cultures and even dishes left unknown, but the things we saw and did is going to be way better then regret.
It’s very beginning of the year and I hope you all had a very nice New Year Celebration (I know I did)! But it’s a new year, new day and it’s time to begin the new Cookbook and start it on with the new freshly made page. Well, as for me, I took this very seriously and remade my DIY recipe notebook (It’s amazing how much can some colorful and/or wrapping paper can do!).
I don’t know how about you, but on the first weeks of New Year I almost always make little notes (more like ‘to-do-list’ to myself): RESOLUTIONS! But this year I don’t even know where to start…  Maybe you have some ideas? (for example, for my page?)


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